Certification of Science Foundation


The DOST S&T Foundation Unit is mandated by the Republic Act No. 2067, “An Act to Integrate, Coordinate, and Intensify Scientific and Technological Research and Development and to Foster Invention; to Provide Funds Therefor; and for Other Purposes.”

S&T-oriented private foundations are certified for tax exemption purposes, and specific research and development projects implemented for scientific advancement for the availment of and integration into the programs of the Department of Science and Technology pursuant to Section 24 of R.A. No. 2067 (Science Act of 1958), as amended by R.A. No. 3589.


Who May Avail of the Service

Certification of Private Foundations
Private foundations engaged in, and whose funds are dedicated to scientific pursuits
Certification of Specific Research and Development Projects
Private individuals, firms, and educational institutions undertaking specific research and development projects; and
Private foundations which do not qualify for certification as a science foundation



The following should be submitted to the STFU Office in two (2) copies:

  • Certification of Private Foundations
    1. Letter of intent to apply as a DOST-certified science foundation addressed to the Department Secretary;
    2. A certified true copy of the applicant’s:
      1. Articles of Incorporation,
      2. By-laws, and
      3. Certificate of registration of said Articles of Incorporation and By-laws as well as their amendments issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC);
    3. Scientific and Technological Activities (STA) program with a proposed budget for a period of three (3) years covered by the certification signed by the Executive Director or equivalent officer of the foundation, accomplished using the DOST approved and prescribed forms;
    4. A list of officers and working staff other than the trustees;
    5. A certification by the Treasurer of the foundation that it has an initial capital of at least one million pesos (P1,000,000.00); and
    6. Notarized oath/affidavit for the application for certification as a science foundation filed before a notary public or a competent officer or person authorized by law.

  • Certification of Specific Research and Development Projects
    1. Letter of intent to apply for certification addressed to the Department Secretary;
    2. Specific research and development program accompanied by a detailed project study in the form prescribed and approved by the DOST with proposed budget covering the duration of the said project, signed by the Project Leader/Proponent and endorsed by the Head of the implementing organization or equivalent officer; and
    3. Notarized oath/affidavit for the application for certification of specific research and development project filed before a notary public or a competent officer or person authorized by law.

Step Activity of the Office-in-charge Duration of Activity Office-in-charge
1 Receives letter of request and required documents; reviews completeness of the submitted documents; verifies documents relative to the application; prepares acknowledgment letter of the submitted documents and letter for the conduct of the investigation by STFU personnel for OUSECRO’s approval 2 hours STFU
2 Signs and returns communication to STFU UsecRO’s time is beyond control Undersecretary for Regional Operations
3 Releases letters to Records Management Section thru eRMS for mailing to applicant foundation and concerned DOST Agency/Council 5 minutes STFU
4 Conducts investigation of foundation and prepares report on the findings relevant to the application 1 working day STFU
5 Evaluates Programs/Projects/Activities(PPAs) based on DOST criteria 10 working days DOST Agency/ Council
6 Consolidate reports, e.g. evaluation/recommendation, certificate as a science foundation, notification letter, and attachments for approval of UsecRO 3 working days STFU
7 Reviews/endorses consolidated reports for DOST Secretary’s action UsecRO’s time is beyond control Undersecretary for Regional Operations
8 Approves application, returns documents to STFU Secretary’s time is beyond control Office of the Secretary
9 Transmits to Records Management Section thru eRMS for authentication of approved application and advises foundation to return signed notification letter and pay registration fee 15 minutes STFU
10 Returns Conforme Letter to STFU and pays registration fee 30 minutes Applicant foundation
11 Acknowledges payment, requests Order of Payment and issues official receipt 2 working days Collection and Disbursement Section
12 Mails notification letter, certificate as science foundation, and official receipt to applicant foundation 10 minutes Records Section